Personal updates
A break from climate-posting to share eight quick things about my autumn.
- I will be in San Francisco in mid October. Let me know who I should meet!
- Over one hundred thousand people visited my blog during September, which feels very bonkers. People seemed to enjoy that solar is getting cheap.
- I would love to chat to people who are thinking about: perovskite solar, bio-solutions for accelerating methane oxidation, geothermal, ML for chemistry in general, and sunlight reflection/geoengineering. Future blogs incoming!
- At Axle Energy we recently raised a $9M seed round from Accel and are hiring the best people. Drop us a note if you’re interested in building the future of the grid. I’ve also been doing some writing at Axle: on UK power markets and the insane potential of residential energy flexibility.
- I’m finally dragging myself into the 2020s and getting to grips with LLMs/transformers. Here is my artists impression of a basic transformer.
- I might post on X/Twitter more.
- This year I’ve been very lucky to be a Roots of Progress fellow and a Polaris fellow. In 2024 I've felt more grateful than ever to be around people whose "it's cool to care” meter is off the charts.
- I printed up a booklet containing a few of my climate tech guides. Let me know if you'd like a copy and I’ll mail one.

As always, just reply to this email to say hi. I’d love to hear from you.